Thursday, June 06, 2019

Insects have three main body parts

Insects have three main body parts: Head, Thorax, Abdomen.

The head is used mainly for eating, sensing things and gathering information. Insect mouth-parts have evolved for chewing (beetles, caterpillars), piercing-sucking (aphids, bugs), sponging (flies), sucking (moths), rasping-sucking (thrips), cutting-sponging (biting flies), and chewing-lapping (wasps).

All insects have two antennae that they use to sense the world around them. Whether their antennae are short, long, thick, thin, insects use them to feel, smell and even taste!

The thorax protects the body and gives support for three pairs of jointed legs and, on many insects, for one or two pairs of wings. The legs may be adapted for running, grasping, digging, or swimming.

The abdomen contains the organs used for digestion and reproduction.

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